The LiteTRIO is an innovative and versatile boat. It has the same profile as the LiteQUATTRO but is approximately two meters shorter. This boat is very adaptable, allowing 3 people to row sculling, or 2 people in scull or sweep configuration with a cox. This unique configuration makes it perfect for clubs and teaching.

The LiteTRIO is extremely stable, and can navigate in challenging conditions (the self-bailers quickly remove water from the cockpits in rough conditions), allowing use all year round. Within a few minutes, thanks to the Quick-release system for the riggers and the removable cox seat, you can transform this boat into its various configurations. For teaching, as well as for touring, this boat can be on the water every day!

  • Sculling riggers (sweep rowing riggers as an option)
  • Oarlocks & axles
  • Wooden seats (carbon seats as an option)
  • Flex-feet footstretchers (shoes as an option)
  • Self-bailers (2x)

(*) Weights of boats have been given as an indication. This is an estimate only and can not be considered as a legal